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Our Programs

Montessori material letter flat letters with children's hands. English alphabet


Red Head Baby

"The child gives us a beautiful lesson – that in order to form and maintain our intelligence, we must use our hands." - Maria Montessori

This multi-age program ranges in age from 12 month to 2 years old.

Navarre Montessori Academy takes pride in being an authentic Montessori school, dedicated to upholding the principles and philosophy of Maria Montessori. As a beacon of Montessori education, our commitment to providing a genuine and enriching experience for children aged around 12 months up to 2 years old is unwavering.

At the core of our authenticity is a team of Montessori-credentialed teachers who bring expertise and passion to the classroom. We believe in nurturing the unique potential of each child, embracing their natural curiosity, and guiding them through the foundational stages of development.

Our Montessori curriculum is thoughtfully crafted to align with the principles set forth by Maria Montessori. We emphasize creating a learning environment that respects and responds to the individual needs of each child. The classroom is equipped with developmentally appropriate furniture and materials, allowing infants and toddlers the freedom to explore and discover in a secure setting.

Language development holds a central place in our authentic Montessori approach. Educators use proper nomenclature to cultivate a rich vocabulary and foster effective communication skills.

Our curriculum is designed to encompass a solid routine, age-appropriate toys and activities, freedom within limits, and, above all, loving and respectful care.

Daily Routine





“The greatest gifts we can give our children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.”

Maria Montessori

child toddler plays with balls and cylinders, developing sensory activities in montessori

This multi-age program ranges in age from 2 to 3 years old.

The Montessori toddler program is a bilingual program designed to give children ages 18 months to 3 years a warm, nurturing environment, where they are supported in taking their first steps toward independence. Providing a “home away from home,” our toddlers learn and grow individually, while also participating in cooperative group play and learning with other children. Each day presents an opportunity for strengthening language skills, refining gross and fine motor skills, and learning to work and play in a beautiful community setting.

The classroom is a beautifully prepared environment designed specifically for the very young child. Under the warm guidance of our AMS Montessori-trained lead teacher, our toddlers engage in practical life pursuits, such as gardening, dressing, as well as art, Spanish, music, and conversation. Independence is fostered by allowing children to choose from a variety of activities that they can accomplish with success. The daily practice of these activities enhances the child’s ability to communicate with confidence, move with grace, and develop self-reliance.

In the classroom, each child follows a natural progression through four categories of learning.

The Practical Life includes life skills to  develop independence, coordintation, concentraition, self-regulation, self-awarness, and confidence.

The Sensorial activities allows the child refine each of their senses, Children will learn to notice details like color, shape, texture, smell. sound, weight and temperature.

The Language is based on phonetic awarness. Children work through specific hands-on and tactile language materials such as the sandpaper letters to the movable alphabet. The spoken language is the foundation for writing and then reading.

The Mathematics is developed with the use of concrete learning materials. We use hands-on material to provice the child with a simple and clear understanding of the mathematical concepts being taunght. Math activities includes stacking and nesting cubes, number block and puzzles, sorting and counting materials.

Daily Routine

  7:30 am - School opens

  8:00 am - Work cycle

  9:30 am - Snack/Toileting

10:00 am - Outdoor

11:00 am - Work cycle

11:30 am - Music and movement

11:45 am - Lunch

12:15 pm - Toileting

12:20 pm - Dismissal/Extended Care

12:30 pm - Nap

  2:30 pm - Toileting

  2:50 pm - Outdoor

  3:30 pm - Dismissal

Toddler Classroom

Our goal at Navarre Montessori Academy is to see each and every child thrive and grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually in this environment.

Casa de Niños

Casa de Niños

“Within the child lies the fate of the future.”

Maria Montessori

This multi-age program ranges in age from 3 to 6 years.

Kindergarten student reading

Children choose their work from among the self-correcting materials displayed on open shelves. Over a period of time, the children develop into a "normalized community," working with high concentration and few interruptions. Normalization is the process whereby a child moves from being undisciplined to self-disciplined, from disordered to ordered, from distracted to focused, through work in the environment.

The process occurs through repeated work with materials that captivate the child's attention. For some children this inner change may take place quite suddenly, leading to deep concentration.

In Montessori, academic competency is a means to an end, and the manipulatives are viewed as "materials for development."

In the classroom, each child follows a natural progression through four categories of learning.

The Practical Life materials involve simple tasks relating to the care and maintenance of each child's environment. They give each child a sense of organization and concentration, as well as an appreciation of a completed cycle of activity.

The Sensorial materials help each child organize, categorize and refine the perceptions of his senses, e.g., colors, sounds, geometric shapes, and relative sizes.

The Language materials prepare each child for writing and reading. Children are made aware of phonetics, vocabulary and the functions of words. They also explore reading comprehension and listening comprehension to develop deep understandings of communication. 

The Mathematics materials get each child is exposed to concrete materials that introduce counting and the association of numbers with quantities. The program then progresses to more abstract concepts in preparation for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Navarre Montessori Academy's goal is to develop patterns of concentration and thoroughness in early childhood in order to produce a competent and confident learner in later years.

Daily Routine

  7:30 am - School opens

  8:00 am - Work Cycle

11:00 am - Community Time

11:30 am - Outdoor Play

12:00 pm - Dismissal -

Extended Care, Kindergarten Work
12:20 pm - Cycle

  2:20 pm - Kindergarten Dismissal

  3:30 pm - Extended Care Dismissal

Casa de Niños


Elementary (1st -6th grade)


& Elementary

Outdoor Biology Class

“... in every child is the seed that will mature into an adult.”

Maria Montessori

This multi-age program ranges from

1st to 6th Grade.

The environment presented in Navarre Montessori Academy for the elementary program helps build a strong mind, as well as good character, responsibility, and respect toward others while instilling in the child the joy and freedom of learning. The learning process stimulates the child’s mind and creates order within it. This is achieved by letting the child master exercises concretely and then build toward the abstract concept of ideas and exercises.

The teacher’s role is to acknowledge the child’s interest and develop it. For this purpose, the teacher is the link between the child and the material. Through repetitive use of the material, the child achieves perfection in its use and therefore reaches the goals for which it was designed. Thus, the child acquires independence, self-control, accuracy, mental order, enrichment of imagination, and love for work.

In the classroom, each child follows a natural progression through four categories of learning.

The Practical Life includes life skills to develop independence, coordination, concentration, self-regulation, self-awareness, and confidence. 

The Sensorial activities allows the child refine each of their senses, Children will learn to notice details like color, shape, texture, smell. sound, weight and temperature. 

The Language is based on phonetic awareness. Children work through specific hands-on and tactile language materials such as the sandpaper letters to the movable alphabet. The spoken languageis the fundation for writting and then reading.

The Mathematics is developed with the use of concrete learning materials. We use hands-on material to provice the child with a simple and clear understanding of the mathematical concepts being taunght. Math activities includes stacking and nesting cubes, number block and puzzles, sorting and counting materials.

Daily Routine

  7:30 am - School opens

  8:00 am - Work Cycle & snacks

11:00 am - Community meeting

11:30 am - Lunch

12:00 pm - Afternoon work cycle
  2:00 pm - Outdoor Play

  2:20 pm - Dismissal

  3:30 pm - Extended Care Dismissal

Kindergarten & Elementary


Our goal at Navarre Montessori Academy is to see each and every child thrive and grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually in this environment.


Extended Care

This program ranges from

12 month to kindergarten students.

Two little kids playing in a power wheel

Navarre Montessori Academy offers extended care for working families and children from 12 mo - kindergarten. This nurturing and enriching program includes quality afternoon care from 12:30 pm until 3:30 pm.


Navarre Montessori Academy’s extended care program combines many of the practical life experiences found in our morning Montessori classrooms. Here the children enjoy outdoor play,  blocks, dress-up clothes, games, storytime, puzzles, creative and imaginary play, and enriching group interactions.

While not all the extended care materials are typical of a Montessori classroom, the program is consistent with Montessori principles. Freedom of choice in activities is bounded by the responsibility to make positive, healthy, and safe choices individually and as a group. Children bring their afternoon snacks. 

At Navarre Montessori Academy, starting at the age of 3 children are ready to join the enrichment programs that the extended care offers. 


Enrichment Program

The enrichment program is a supplementary educational program designed to enhance students' academic experience and challenge them academically. It is not a replacement for the main curriculum, but rather an addition to it.

Designed to add knowledge and skills

Kid with a baby chick in his hands


Most research suggests that children have a tremendous ability to learn other languages during the first six years of life.

Here, at MPN nurture and enable that ability by introducing Spanish to our curriculum. Every week, our circle-time includes basic colors, numbers, common nouns, introductions, person identification, shapes, animals, grace / courtesy / etiquette application. The lessons will be delivered through guided movement, song, dance, and hands-on activities. 

Music & Dance


Children have a natural and basic tendency to respond to music. We provide ample opportunities to explore music under. Playing music and moving to a beat provides stimulating experiences for young children and fosters learning.

With the use of various materials like crayons, brushes, chalk, painting, art elements like shapes, colors we help to develop the appreciation of the art through their sense of accomplishment.


Soccer Shots is an engaging children’s soccer program with a focus on character development. They positively impact children’s lives on and off the field through our best-in-class coaching, communication and curriculum. 


To learn more, click on this link 


Martial Arts

When your child joins Precision Martial Arts, they have the opportunity to gain a lifelong discipline, a supportive peer base, and all the tools needed to navigate their ever-evolving world in a confident and conscientious way.


To learn more, click on this link

Seasonal Programs


Summer Camp

will return on 2025

Navarre Montessori Academy Summer Camp

Kid using finger paint

Navarre Montessori Academy offers an educational program during June and July. This program continues the Montessori early education experience for those enrolled in Montessori and gives a new experience to those new in our environment. The summer program is meant for students and non-students.


The program starts on June 2025, and ends on July 2025


Designed for children from 2 years old - 9 years old, our camp offers a variety of programs appropriate to your child's age, stamina, and ability. We alternate the indoor and outdoor events, varying them in length according to the type of activity and the interest of the group.

Not just another summer camp…

Our focus is to provide a variety of fun challenges for your child, providing them with new activities and opportunities to learn new skills -- all while they are having a wonderful time. We can develop and encourage your child's individuality and natural curiosity to explore and learn. 


Our Montessori approach to summer combines physical and emotional development with exciting endeavors involving art, music, science, culture, and more.

*Please note, for students not currently enrolled in NMA and who are applying for the school year, a week of camp will be the trial time for your child to decide on the admission in fall.

Basic Prerequisites


In order to join Navarre Montessori Academy, we require that the child:

  • Be at least 2 years old.

  • Casa de Niños: Has basic independence skills such as cleaning up small messes

  • Toddler: Being able to separate from his/her parent(s) fairly easily.

  • Displays a readiness and willingness to receive instruction and to learn.

  • The child is able to ask for help, express needs and wants, and follow directions.

Parent Teacher

Parent - Teacher

Parents interacting with children

Parenting is a rewarding yet challenging journey, and at Navarre Montessori Academy, we understand the importance of providing support in this significant role. We are excited to introduce our Parent Coaching services, designed to empower you with valuable knowledge and strategies tailored to your unique parenting needs. Our Parent Coaching is led by certified AMS or MACTE Montessori teachers, ensuring an authentic and enriching educational experience for you. Distinct from counseling or therapy, this coaching offers personalized guidance on practical approaches to address the challenges of raising young children.


Key Areas of Focus Include:

• Discipline: Setting Limits in a Loving Way, Preventing and Handling Challenging Behaviors

• Nutrition and Food Issues

• Toilet Learning

• Sleep and Bedtime Solutions

• Home Organization to Support Your Child and Your Family

• Establishing Routines

• Sibling Relationships

• Hiring Nannies

• Choosing a School Our non-judgmental approach aims to help you integrate effective techniques into your parenting style, providing you with the tools, support, and encouragement needed to parent at your best.


While we don't offer in-home coaching, we provide coaching through Zoom or meetings in person at Navarre Montessori Academy. Additionally, the first session is free for currently enrolled parents.

Our 60-minute sessions are customized to meet your family’s specific needs. While a single session can often address a particular issue, we also offer continued, ongoing support for those who find it beneficial. If your specific concern is not listed, please feel free to email us with your inquiry. We are here to support you on your parenting journey. 

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